West Huntspill Academy, New Road, West Huntspill, Highbridge, Somerset, TA9 3QE
Tel: 01278 783842
East Huntspill Academy, New Road, East Huntspill, Highbridge, Somerset, TA9 3PT
Tel: 01278 782453

west@thpa.theplt.org.uk / east@thpa.theplt.org.uk

The Huntspill Primary Academies

WE learn, WE achieve, WE flourish


DESIGNATED Safeguarding Team


“Safeguarding the rights of others is the most noble and

beautiful end of a human being”

                                                                              Khalil Gibran


Our school is dedicated to looking after all our children the best we possibly can. Safeguarding covers children’s physical, social and emotional well-being and runs alongside our work on Health and Safety and E-safety.

The school has a Safeguarding Policy that is in line with recommendations from NSSCB. The policy is reviewed annually by our Trustees and is a working document that reflects our practise. It’s available on TPLT Website, Policies Page or by clicking here.

Any concerns about children’s welfare or well-being should be discussed with Emma Barker or any of our Designated Safeguarding Leads.




Designated Safeguarding Lead

Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mrs Hannah Bakary Mrs Laura Collins
Mrs Emily Bott Mrs Lorraine Moffatt Mrs Amanda Loach Mrs Emma Barker
Deputy Safeguarding Lead Deputy Safeguarding Lead Deputy Safeguarding Lead Deputy Safeguarding Lead


Safeguarding Governor
Jessika Robinson

If you have any concerns about the behaviour of someone working or volunteering with children please contact the Somerset Safeguarding Children Board http://sscb.safeguardingsomerset.org.uk/  Phone: 01823 355803 Secure email: childrens@somerset.gov.uk