West Huntspill Academy, New Road, West Huntspill, Highbridge, Somerset, TA9 3QE
Tel: 01278 783842
East Huntspill Academy, New Road, East Huntspill, Highbridge, Somerset, TA9 3PT
Tel: 01278 782453

west@thpa.theplt.org.uk / east@thpa.theplt.org.uk

The Huntspill Primary Academies

WE learn, WE achieve, WE flourish


Welcome to Hawthorn Class   

The children in Hawthorn Class are Reception and Year 1.

In Hawthorn Class our teacher is Mrs Bott, who is supported by teaching assistants Mrs Neale, Mrs Elsworth, Mrs Cozens and Mrs Statton throughout the week.

This year we have 20 children in Hawthorn Class. 

We love to learn in our classroom and the spacious, adjoining outdoor area.   

We use our outside area every day and enjoy spending time exploring in our garden.

What are we learning at the moment?

In terms 3 and 4, our class learning enquiry big question is  'What Grows Near Me?'  

The enquiry is underpinned by three key concepts : Growth, Change and Life.


Throughout their learning journey, children explore a number of key questions.  These will be:

What is it like outside of my school?     

What is it like in my village?     

What grows where I live?

What grows far away?    

What can I grow and how does it change?   

Where does my food come from?

Please click her to find out more information about this terms learning enquiry.

'What Grows Near Me?' Tell Me About Sheet

Hawthorn Class Curriculum Overview

Hawthorn Class Letter

Term 3&4 2025

Welcome back everyone! We hope you had a lovely break over Christmas.  

Term 3 & 4 our learning enquiry is 'What Grows Near Me?'

We will be reading a variety of different texts,

Term 3 will include The Boy Who Loved Maps, Rosie Plants a Radish.

Term 4 Will include Oliver's Vegetables, Carnival of Animals, See Inside Where Food Comes From 

Our class readers for

Term 3 will include Farmer Duck, Anna Hibiscus’ Song, Click Clack Moo, The Extraordinary Gardener &  Handa’s Hen.

Term 4 will include Six Dinner Sid,  Sonya’s Chickens, The Giant Jam Sandwich, The Invisible,  Supertato & The Wall and The Wild 

We will continue to develop our knowledge of phonics using Read Write Inc and this will help to support our spelling and reading skills. During this term the Reception children will continue to learn the sounds which many of them started to learn in Little Learners. This will support the children when they start blending the sounds to read words, with the help of our Frog called Fred. 

In Maths we will use NCETM to support the children when learning about numbers in fun and exciting ways. We continue to foster a love of Maths in Hawthorn Class this year which will give the children good foundations when they move through the school. We encourage the children to investigate and reason about their maths, talking about what they are doing, why they have chosen this method and how they could change their approach when needed. 

In Science we will be learning about 'Plants'  

In PSHE our learning areas are Term 3 ‘Dreams and Goals'.  Term 4 'Healthy Me'  

In Computing we will be learning about Term 3 - Algorithms Unplugged and  E-safety (Safer Internet Day) Term 4 - Programming Bee Bot and E-safety (Always be kind and considerate)

In our Learning Theme we will be learning about

Term 3 - Exploring maps and the globe. Naming the four countries in the United Kingdom. Explore human and physical features in our local area.

Term 4 - Find out about hot and cold areas in relation to the poles and the equator.  Explore human and physical features around the world. Compare a UK farm with a farm in India.

In Art Term 3 Scuplpture and 3D Paper Play. In DT Term 4 - Cooking and Nutrition: Smoothies 

In Music, Term 3 - Exploring Sounds, Term 4 Fairy Tales 

We are looking forward to a busy and productive term!  




Look at our learning! 

Class Information

 PE days are on Tuesday & Friday each week